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Is It Worth Buying a Big Disposable Vape?

Disposable vapes are on the rise, and they’re not just having a moment. They’re shaping up to be a long-term trend in the cannabis market. According to data from BDSA, disposable vapes made a significant leap in popularity, growing from 13% to 17% of total vape sales from early 2022 to the end of the year. 

It turns out that people really love the convenience factor: they’re easy to use, portable, and discreet, which makes them a top choice for those who want a hassle-free experience without compromising on quality. In fact, 32% of vape consumers reported using disposable vapes in the past six months, a number that's steadily climbing as more users discover the perks of these devices.

Now, among the options out there, big disposable vapes—like those with 7-gram capacities—are gaining traction. These devices appeal to regular cannabis users who don't want to be bothered with constant replacements or refills. Instead of worrying about running out mid-session, they look to enjoy a longer, uninterrupted experience.

But this brings us to the question: Is it worth buying a big disposable vape? While larger disposables might offer convenience and a longer lifespan, they also come with their own set of pros and cons. As you consider whether to invest in a bigger vape, you need to weigh these factors. Fortunately, we are here to help you make the right decision.

A big disposable vape device lying on a metal grate

Coil Burnout

The Achilles' heel of the big disposable vape. If you’re rocking a big disposable vape, you've probably noticed that the coils don’t always last as long as you'd like. That is because when you're dealing with larger quantities of liquid, these coils have to work harder and longer, which can lead to them burning out faster. The more you heat that coil, the higher the chances it’ll start to wear out or burn, especially with a lot of juice to handle.

Coil burnout happens because the material of the coil breaks down over time due to constant exposure to high temperatures. When you’re using a big disposable vape, the coils have to stay hotter for longer to effectively vaporize all that extra liquid. This ongoing heat exposure speeds up the coil’s degradation, which can lead to that dreaded burnt taste, weaker vapor production, and, ultimately, a shorter lifespan for your vape. Nobody wants that!

Some vapes use a feedback loop to keep the temperature in check, constantly adjusting the power to make sure things don’t get too hot. This type of "closed-loop system" can help prevent overheating and reduce the risk of burning out the coil too quickly. 

On the flip side, you've got the voltage-controlled vapes that don’t have this kind of fancy control. They can let the coils reach temperatures way above what’s optimal, which can tear and create uneven heating or even harmful byproducts. 

Flavor and Vapor Quality

When you first crack open a big disposable vape, it might hit you with some amazing flavor and those thick, satisfying clouds of vapor. But over time, you might notice that things start to change. The flavor doesn’t pop as much, and the vapor feels a bit… meh. This drop in quality is mostly due to coil fatigue.

As you keep heating the same e-liquid over and over, it can start tasting stale or even burnt—definitely not what you signed up for! This is especially common with larger disposables since you’re vaping the same liquid for a much longer time. On the other hand, smaller disposables may need to be replaced more often, but they tend to offer a fresher flavor because you’re consuming the e-liquid faster, which means it's less likely to degrade before you’ve vaped it all.

Understanding Temperature Control

Getting the temperature just right is key to making sure your cannabis is vaporized properly, which not only enhances the flavor but also gives you the full effect of the cannabinoids. If the temperature cranks up too high, you’re looking at that nasty burnt taste nobody wants. But if it’s too low, you might not be getting a complete vaporization, which means you’re not really getting the best bang for your buck.

The good news is that a lot of disposable vapes are now coming with some pretty cool temperature control features to help avoid these problems. These devices aim to keep things at a steady heat, delivering a smoother and more enjoyable experience. But here's the thing: temperature control can definitely make a big difference, but it’s not a magic bullet. Even with these features, you might still run into some issues if you’re using large vape devices.

And not all vapes handle temperature the same way, which is where some potential health risks can come into play. Studies have shown that heating coils in some cannabis extract vaporizers can get way too hot, especially in devices that rely on voltage control. In fact, temperatures in these systems can sometimes shoot past 900 °C, which is where things can start to get a little dicey. At those higher temps, you might end up with harmful byproducts that could pose health risks, like benzene, formaldehyde, and other toxic compounds.

Close-up view of a disposable vape device with a purple design and a black display screen

The Downside of Incomplete Combustion

You don’t want to go too high with the temperature but believe me, you don’t want to go too low either. This might sound a bit technical, but here’s the scoop—when your vape’s coil doesn’t heat up properly or can't keep a steady temperature, it doesn’t fully vaporize the cannabis e-liquid. What does that mean for you? Well, you could end up inhaling some of those unvaporized materials, which might carry some harmful compounds. Over time, inhaling these nasties could lead to respiratory issues or other health concerns. Not exactly what you signed up for, right?

The risk of incomplete combustion tends to be higher with larger disposables, and that’s because of the extra strain on the coil. Think about it—the coil has to work overtime to maintain the right temperature across a bigger volume of liquid. This can lead to uneven heating, which not only messes with your flavor and vapor quality but also ramps up the potential health risks.

Dual System Technology

This system has been getting a lot of buzz as a supposed fix for some of the common issues with larger vape devices. The idea is pretty simple: instead of relying on one heating element, these vapes use two separate ones that work together to give you more even vaporization and better temperature control. Sounds good, right? And it can be—this setup can mean more consistent flavor and a lower chance of your coil burning out too quickly.

But, like everything, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The big catch with dual system technology is the price tag. These devices tend to cost quite a bit more than your standard disposable vapes. For some people, the benefits of smoother vapor and less risk of burnout might be worth shelling out a few extra bucks. But others see it as just another gimmick, especially when a good 3-gram disposable vape with solid temperature control can do the job just as well without the added expense.

The Refillable Option

Let’s clear up a common misconception: the idea that refillable tanks are a great option for vaping cannabis. On the surface, it might seem like a smart, economical choice—just refill and keep puffing, right? But here’s the catch: the unique chemistry of cannabis extracts makes them a bad fit for most refillable systems. 

Unlike the thinner nicotine e-liquids, cannabis extracts are much thicker and more viscous, which means they need specialized hardware to vaporize properly. Most standard refillable tanks just aren’t built to handle that thickness, leading to clogging, uneven vaporization, and, in some cases, even damaging your device. Even worse, many refillable tanks aren’t designed to hit the high temperatures needed for the efficient vaporization of cannabis extracts.

Why Size Matters

Going big with a 7-gram disposable definitely looks like a good option at the beginning. Offering a longer-lasting experience is a big win for those who enjoy their cannabis regularly and don’t want to keep running out to restock. Plus, many of the bigger models come packed with some cool tech features, like temperature control and dual heating systems.

But hey, bigger isn’t always better. The smaller 3-gram disposables have their own charm, especially for those who want something portable and low-key. These little guys are easy to carry around, fit nicely in your pocket, and are usually more affordable. And let’s not forget that they often deliver a more consistent flavor over time since you’re vaping the liquid faster and it’s less likely to degrade. For some people, the ease of using a smaller device beats the longer life of a larger one, especially if you just want a quick, no-fuss way to enjoy your cannabis on the move.

Since at Delta 8 Austin customer satisfaction is always a top priority, we focus on offering 3-gram disposables, which align with our target audience's preferences for portability, affordability, and consistent flavor. We believe that smaller disposables provide a more reliable and enjoyable experience, free from the issues commonly associated with the big disposable vape. Feel free to check our whole selection of products to find the best option for you and don’t hesitate to visit our store to talk to our expert budtenders.

Two large disposable vape devices with the text “Is It Worth Buying a Big Disposable Vape?” displayed above them

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